Sunday, November 15, 2009

False Positives

In my third pregnancy, I was older and "fell into the age group" to have the "tri-screen" test. You guessed it, I failed it. I found myself on the roller coaster ride that women face, when the results lead professionals to think there must be something wrong with the pregnancy. This was at my thirteenth week of pregnancy. My husband and I were advised to go upstairs in the hospital/clinic for counseling. The counseling was to assist us in the decision making process of continuing the pregnancy or not. Determined that the One who was the Creator could be the One who determined the health of our baby, my husband and I decided to go home without the counseling and to meet with The Counselor ourselves.

At full term, our son was born healthy. After several hours had passed from his birth, I finally asked someone to tell me, if I should be concerned for my son's life and informed them of my earlier report.

My questions were met with incredible disbelief that we had been taken down the road leading to such "crisis" thinking... Another false positive bit the dust...and we were very grateful!

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